I'm almost relieved the NBC comedies will be off the air for a few weeks, because the Thursday programming pile-up means I only just got done with last night's "Burn Notice." Was very glad to have Tim Matheson back as crazy Larry, because the show is always more fun when Michael's dealing with an opponent who's as smart as he is. And the story was also a good showcase for Sam and Fi, and Michael's relationships with each.
I'm still unenthused about the Gilroy arc, which leads me to a question: at this point in the life of the series, how necessary are the arcs? Michael knows who burned him, and he's evolving into someone who doesn't seem like he'd want to be a spy again, and the show's serialized elements have only occasionally been as entertaining as watching Michael, Sam and Fi help the client of the week. I know some people feel the show would be too lightweight if Michael wasn't working towards some larger goal, but given how much better the show is when he's dealing with other people's standalone problems, I don't know that I'd mind if we got a long stretch where Michael stopped worrying about getting unburned and just built stuff to blow up.
What does everybody else think?