The premier episode that aired of CBS's re-imagined Hawaii 5-0 classic, managed to be in the Top 20 of the Nielsen Ratings. That episode aired on Monday, September 20, 2010, exactly 42 to the date of the original series's premiere.
Subsequent episodes of the new Hawaii 5-0 disappeared from the Top 20. I suspect due to viewers not being pleased with their first exposure to the new 5-0, due to the bad acting, bad writing and plot points that stretched past my usual ability to easily totally suspend disbelief.
I was a huge fan of 24 and LOST, both requiring the suspension of disbelief in order to enjoy the plot.
Hawaii 5-0 has elements of both 24 and LOST. Steve McGarrett, played by a wooden, glassy-eyed actor named Alex O'Loughlin, has Jack Bauer's invincibility factor, with absolutely none of Jack Bauer's believability and gravitas.
Jin, (Daniel Dae Kim) from LOST, stayed on the island, after the end of LOST, and is now one of the 5-0 team. Jin is not nearly as interesting on Hawaii 5-0 as he was on LOST. His name on 5-0 is not Jin, it is Chin Ho Kelly.
Chin Ho Kelly's cousin, character name, Kono Kalakaua, real name, Grace Park, plays another unbelievable character with super human powers. And is another bad actor. I mean actress.
Danno is played by a teeny, big-headed actor named Scott Caan. Danno and McGarrett's partner repartee is painful to watch. Very forced. Very unfunny.
I will try and do a short summation of the most recent Hawaii 5-0 episode that I have viewed as an example of how bad this show is.
Guy and wife fight. Guy leaves to cool off. Comes back a short time later to find wife stabbed to death. Picks up murder weapon and runs, thinking the police will suspect him. Leaves behind his little girl. Takes hostages on the USS Missouri, in Pearl Harbor, giving the SWAT team 4 hours to find his wife's killer or he'll kill the hostages.
McGarrett tells the governor's rep he is going to go in alone. Takes off his clothes, puts them in a waterproof bag and swims to get on the boat. I think this plot point must have been written in just to get McGarrett out of his clothes so we could see his hideous tattoos.
McGarrett gets on board. An old deck hand, survivor of Pearl Harbor, finds McGarrett. Says he'll lead him to the hostages and that he is going to help because those were his people. On the way to the hostages McGarrett and the old guy stop and engage in a very long dialogue about December 7, 1941, ending with the old guy telling McGarrett he should be very proud of his grandpa who is entombed in the Arizona. McGarrett, in his wooden way, says he is very proud.
That out of the way, it was on to the hostages. McGarrett becomes one of them, claiming to having been in the bathroom and a member of the crew.
Much anxiety ensues. McGarrett's 5-0 team rummages through the hostage taker's house, the little girl is found. She won't speak. A book written in Russian is found, sent to be translated. The little girl goes with Kona to get shaved ice.
Eventually the little girl speaks, telling Kona some bad man hurt mommy, but it was not daddy. Just then the bad guy who killed mommy somehow shows up. The little girl panics. Kono goes after the guy, but the bad guy's team of bad guy's are so clever they knew that was what going to happen, so they had a car ready to kidnap the little girl away in.
Soon there are various proofs the guy holding the hostages did not do the murder. The killer was the little girl's biological Russian father.
The bad guy does not believe McGarrett that the killer has been found. SWAT is sent in. Much mayhem ensues. But, just as SWAT guns are about to take out the hostage taker, McGarrett jumps on him and diffuses the situation.
As the hostage taker is being taken away, right then Kono drives up with the little girl. McGarrett orders the cuffs off so the guy can go say goodbye to his little girl.
End of story.
Trust me, it was worse in viewing than I can make it sound in writing.
One thing positive I'll say about Hawaii 5-0, I do enjoy watching it for the scenery.
I am not sure if the episode I have described is the most recent episode or not. I watch Hawaii 5-0 courtesy of AT & T U-Verse on Demand. I do know that the most recent episode of Hawaii 5-0 managed to be in the Top 20 of the Nielsen Ratings, again, at #20.
Hawaii 5-0 airs Monday nights on CBS, 9 Eastern Time, 10 Central Time.
Below is a YouTube video of the opening credits of the new version of Hawaii 5-0. I forgot to mention that in addition to the scenery, I also like the Hawaii 5-0 theme music.....