Sunday, January 30, 2011

Another Cong Comes Out!

No surprise! we already knew it since 80's!!!

Anggota Boyband jaman 80an New Kids On The Block, Jonathan Knight baru-baru ini mengeluarkan statement tentang orientasi seksualnya! Yup dia akhirnya coming out juga!!!

Dia bilang :
"To all my fans who have expressed concern: I have never been outed by anyone but myself. I did so almost twenty years ago. I never knew that I would have to do it all over again publicly just because I reunited with NKOTB! I have lived my life very openly and have never hidden the fact that I am gay. Apparently the prerequisite to being a gay public figure is to appear on the cover of a magazine with the caption, 'I am gay'.
I love living my life being open and honest, but at this time I choose not to discuss my private life any further! My fellow band members don't discuss their private lives with their loved ones and I don't feel that just because I am gay, I should have to discuss mine!"

Tiap dengar berita seleb cong yang coming out, kok kita jadi lega yach! yah mungkin kita lega karena sedikit demi sedikit cong-cong se-antero bumi udah meletek' n makin pede n berani buat mengutarakan jati diri sebenarnya!.. dan kita yakin coming out itu tindakan yang melegakan bangett!! kayak ngelepasin beban berat yang selama ini dipikul sendiri!!

Berikutnya kita pengen Afgan yang nyusul!