Tonight the Villains continued their losing ways. They were sure there was going to a merge, so they packed up their entire camp and hauled it to what turned out to be a Reward Challenge for pizza.
A bowling challenge, which the Heroes easily won.
Not a happy camp back in the Villain zone.
Meanwhile the Heroes got their first clue to a Hidden Immunity Idol, agreeing to find it together, but at his first opportunity, JT took off to find it on his own, which he did, only to be discovered by Amanda. JT quickly gave up the idea of not telling anyone he had the Idol and proceeded to show it to everyone.
Off to the Immunity Challenge, when they see the Villains have kicked out Boston Rob, the Heroes assume this means an All Girl Villains Alliance is in charge on that side.
The Heroes proceed to win a very muddy Immunity Challenge.
Russell correctly figures out that the Heroes must think his side is controlled by an All Girl Alliance, when it is actually he controlling the game. This makes Russell think it is a good plan to get rid of Coach, thus cementing in the Heroes minds, the All Girl Alliance, thus allowing Russell and his alliance to wreak havoc at the merge.
Russell then changed his mind on getting rid of Coach, switching to Courtney. Mass confusion ensued. At the Tribal Council vote Russell did vote for Courtney, but Coach was sent packing.
Then on the previews the voice over says something about the dumbest moves in Survivor history. We then see quick clips of mistakes made with Immunity Idols and Hidden Immunity Idols.
And then we see JT telling his alliance that it'd be a smart move to give Russell his Hidden Immunity Idol. You know, because of that All Girl Alliance and how they'll be wanting to vote Russell out next. JT says something like if he gets a chance he'll give it to Russell, making it sound as if he's plotting to give it to Russell, even before there is a merge. I can't quite follow the logic with that.
One more thing. The Mud Challenge was disgusting.