Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Treading Water

Ever have one of those days where you kinda feel like you're in over your head?

Like you're drowning... And nobody out there wants to save you.

That's the kind of day I had. I think it's fair to say that I just had my busiest day at work of 2007. And that kinda scares me, because it's only the second week of May. Usually the "busy time" at MVT is in June. So, like, in other words, "Buckle up, Jill". Geez. The phone was ringing like crazy, everyone seemed to be getting on everyone else's nerves...It just wasn't a very good day. And nothing even went catastrophically wrong, it just felt like there was soooo much to do, and not enough time to do it.

Then, on the two-minute lunch break I took (I didn't even go for my walk), I flipped through my agenda and realized things aren't about to let up. I officially nominate May as the busiest month of the year. (So far.) There are mixed parties and showers and Mother's Day and ball games and brunches and golf tournaments and ducks racing down the Quyon River...All coming up in the next three weeks. Oh, and one other thing that I'm not quite accustomed to this time of year (but that I really, really welcome) - SENS GAMES!!

It's crazy. I'm not joking when I say I feel like I'm drowning. I'm literally panicking, trying to figure out when all this stuff is going to get done.

But I'm willing to bet that you're all in the same boat...It's just that crazy-busy time of year.

I guess all we can do is tread water and hope we don't drown.

Oh, and on the Eve of The Eastern Conference Finals - GO SENS GO!!