Thursday, May 1, 2008

I Can't Believe It's Already May!!

OK, so I've got some disgruntled fans of the Blog out there. I know I've been silent for far too long, but let me just explain.

First of all, my last Blog was sort of my farewell to Wade. I was emotional when I wrote it, and to be honest, I haven't gone back to read it since. Because I still don't want to say good-bye to him. It makes me sad; it chokes me up. So I wasn't entirely sure how to follow that one up. For the past few weeks, I've been in a funk...mainly because of Wade. I mean, how else can I explain bursting into tears after I lost at the Canada Day Committee Poker Tournament two weekends ago? I made it to the final table, but when I was the first one put out, I had an emotional break-down of some sort. (Alright, so maybe the rye had something to do with it, too...)

Anyways, moving right along... The next obstacle between the Blog and me has been the fact that there's been no Spring this year. We went straight from Winter to Summer; from snowbanks to heat waves. Which means that we here at Mountainview didn't get the opportunity to "ease into things", like we normally would. Things have been kinda crazy. Little time for Blogging.

Last but not least, I can fairly say that last week was my week from HELL. I twinged something in my back blow drying my hair on Monday morning. Then my Simply Accounting program went retarded on me when we updated to the 2008 version. Tuesday, I stayed home, flat on my back all day, doped up on Robaxacet. Wednesday was spent trying to figure out what was wrong with my Simply Accounting program and switching it back to the old version I'd be working with. Thursday, I had computer issues again in the morning, which left me only the afternoon to complete 3 1/3 days work before leaving for Quebec City for the Karate tournament.

Sheesh. What a week. And clearly no time to even think about Blogging.

But don't worry, guys, I never forgot about you! Today, I'm wiping my slate clean. Yes, things are going to get even busier here at work over the next two months, but today's a new day, a new month. Welcome to May!!

I seriously don't know where the time has gone; Christmas feels like it was just a few weeks ago. But here we are, in the month of May, and there's so much to look forward to. I hopefully won't even have time to think about what it was like last year at this time, watching my team storm through to the Stanley Cup Finals.

A new month, a fresh start. And a renewed promise to pay more attention to you, my faithful Bloggers.
