Thursday, September 10, 2009

Annie Le – Yale Student and Bride-to-be Goes Missing

The family and friends of Annie Le, 24, a graduate student in Yale University, are worried because she mysteriously disappeared in New Haven, Connecticut on September 8. Le, a petite 4'11 lass, is due to be married on Sunday, September 13, and her fiancé has not heard a word from her. A surveillance photo gathered Annie on her way to a pharmacology located in Amistad Street and she was not seen since then.
Annie Le Yale Student Missing
A co-worker informed that Annie even left her pocketbook and cell phone in the lab. No one was able to trace where she went or how she managed to leave the lab. Her family, friends and co-workers are now "pretty scared" of what happened to the young lady. Below is a news report about Annie Le the Yale bride-to-be who's now missing: