Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kate Gosselin’s New Hairstyle Revealed in The View

Kate Gosselin sports a new hairdo today as she went on her second time to co-host the talkshow, The View. It was just yesterday that Project Runway winner Christian Siriano was quoted by US Magazine that Kate is "trying to rock my looks" Both Christian and Kate has this asymmetrical cut but now, Kate just ditched away that hairstyle to a much cuter and cleaner cut with wavy curls.
Kate Gosselin New Hairstyle
View co-host Joy Behar praised Kate's new hair that it "looks cute". Further in the show, Kate Gosselin revealed that she's still wearing her wedding ring despite her falling out with husband Jon Gosselin as they going through this media-hyped divorce reality drama. Kate Gosselin claims that: “We’re not officially divorced yet, and you know, I’ve had it on for 10 years. It’s upsetting to the kids.” Oh well, it's always nice to sport a new 'do when you're in for a grueling divorce with a husband who's already philandering around and 8 children to think about. Kate Gosselin looks de-stressed and "freshened up" with that new hairstyle.