Reading through various Internet TV Forums there seems to be fairly universal revulsion at Ms. DioGuardi and her various behaviors.
As in her manner of speaking, the inane things she says, the bizarre flirting with Simon Cowell and a lot more.
So, for amusement's sake I thought I'd copy and paste a collection of TV Forum comments.....
According to the behind the scenes recap at Entertainment Weekly, the Mike save was pretty much at Kara's absolute insistence. Figures.
Yeah, her jumping up and down after the save, slapping high fives into the air (and with whomever she could hit) and generally acting like she'd single-handedly just cured cancer was beyond disgusting. The ego has been particularly unchecked since Casey was forced to refer to her as a "superstar" a few weeks back, but now the bitch has apparently convinced herself she invented fire.
I don't hate her, but her antics are so Over The Top that it has become somewhat of a joke when I watch. I DID get pissed at her for telling Tim Urban not to smile, and I got even more pissed when Andrew sang a song about dancing while sitting down and she didn't call him out on it, but when he sang a song about war without a gun or tank she made a huge deal about it.
She is to consumed with being fabulous and a legend in her own mind to speak coherently or in a way that is direct and not talking down to them.
The sad thing is that she thinks that she's more talented, and a better singer, than everyone else. I bet she sits there thinking that she would have easily won American Idol if she was a contestant.
She's as rabid mad as Paula, but without the drugs, which makes her more pathetic.
I blame the crash and burn of Idol these past two seasons on Kara personally. You had AI7 which was awesome and then Kara comes in and AI8 was pretty crappy and then Paula leaves and Kara remains and it becomes borderline unbearable.
Who knew a drunk like Paula was such a godsend.
Get ready for some music history from Kara on the artistry of the Beatles and how to interpret/emote their songs.
Without Kara, we wouldn't know who is being true to themselves as an artist.
She was climbing Simon like a damn tree again last night! The director even tries to tighten up the shot to keep her out of Simon's frame...but those bony appendages always come creeping in. So DISTRACTING.
Seriously, what's her obsession with groping Simon? Why don't they have her sit next to Randy or make her grope Ellen.
I noticed that. She also peers at him with such intensity, barely two inches from his face, that it sets him aback for a second or two while he's commenting. Those are the actions of a crazy person, a for real crazy person. Maybe that's the answer. Kara has a secret battle with mania that is only partially controlled.
I don't think Kara has been as bad this season, but I would have given her a shove or a slap by now if she was into my personal space all the time like she is with Simon. I seriously hate that.
The sole saving grace of Teflon Tim is his total dismissal of Kara's opinion and the obvious frustration it's causing her.
Kara informs one and all that the song is about the Vietnam War and Andrew should understand that. Kara gets it wrong --again. "Gimme Shelter" had nothing to do with the Vietnam War. The "war, children" that was just a shot away was a race war some folks were anticipating. At that time American cities were burning (burn, baby, burn) in giant race riots. The Vietnam War was not just a shot away. It was already an ongoing shooting war. Kara shows off her vast musical history knowledge and again comes up empty.
What great advice for Tim. You're not allowed to "grab" at the audience until you've sold hundreds of millions of albums and become "established?" Makes total sense. She's amazing.
I can't stand this pretentious hag. Every word she says she takes those pauses just so she and everyone around her knows how important the syllables are. She makes Oprah seem down to earth.
Seems like she has one of four responses this year: 1. I know what kind of record you will make. 2. I can hear that on the radio. 3. You need to feel the meaning of the lyrics. 4. You need to know what kind of artist you will be.
Kara hate is universal. As if this show was tough enough to get through with these terrible contestants, then she opens her big fat worthless trap.
Stop hatin y'all! Kara is such a glorious trainwreck. Even worse than Paula because Kara is trying SO HARD, and she doesn't have the excuse of being on tranquilizers. American Idol will be just fine without Simon, just as long as Kara is so hilariously desperate.