Jason Winters is 49 years old. Elizabeth Taylor is 78 years old.
Elizabeth Taylor's alleged fiance is an agent with Sterling Winters Management. One of the people Jason Winters represents is Janet Jackson. Janet Jackson is the sister of the late Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson was a long time friend of Elizabeth Taylor.
Three years ago tabloid paparazzi caught Liz in Hawaii caressing Jason Winters. The pair have appeared at various red carpet type events together.
Elizabeth Taylor has been husband-free since 1996, which she shed husband number 8, Larry Fortensky. They'd been married for 5 years.
I think husband number 7 was Senator John Warner. That was the marriage that caused Elizabeth to blimp up due to the stress of being a Washington, D.C. wife. I think that was the explanation at the time.
I don't know if Elizabeth Taylor is able to get out of her wheelchair these days. She's always been one of my favorite movie stars/legends/icons. I hope marriage #9 works out for the girl.