Thursday, July 17, 2008

Nothing to Say

I have nothing Sebastian-y to say today. That's disappointing in my world, but I'm sure the rest of you are relieved. I'm willing to bet you're all just about Sebastian-ed out. I glanced down the page today and realized that almost all of my blogs this summer have involved him to some extent. Not sure if that's healthy, but my self-diagnosis is that I'm in Wade Redden withdrawals, and the only thing helping me get through each day without him is Sebastian Pigott.

Alright. I just read that back, and it sounds sick and obsessed, even to my own ears.

I promise, I'm not getting that wound up about a dude on Canadian Idol.

But honestly, I have nothing to say today. About Sebastian or anyone else.

So today I give you the "Nothing to Say" blog, with a promise to do better in the future.

And in the meantime, why don't you look at yet another smokin' picture of the boy.