Friday, November 20, 2009

Survivor Samoa: Russell Best Survivor Ever With Laura Out

The CBS promos leading up to this week's Survivor focused on Russell Hantz, saying he would either be Survivor's best ever or biggest fool ever. Or something like that.

By the end of last night's episode it was clear Russell is not a fool, which makes him, according to CBS, the best Survivor ever.

I think I would have to agree with that. He certainly has made Survivor Samoa the most entertaining Survivor season, so far, in a long long time.

And now he's found yet on more Hidden Immunity Idol, though this time he had pretty good clues via a cell phone that was part of winning a Reward Challenge that had half the Survivors flown to another island for a picnic by a waterfall.

Who would have thought that Foa Foa would manage to whittle down Galu's 8 to 4 lead, to now have a 5 to 4 lead, with Shambo switched to Foa Foa, or a 6 to 3 lead if you count John on the Foa Foa side after he voted to get rid of Laura after the 5 to 5 tie at the Tribal Council.

I don't recollect that type of tie before on Survivor. I'm sure it's happened before, but I don't remember. I do remember a tie getting decided by a purple rock or by who could start a fire faster.