Saturday, November 14, 2009

Survivor Samoa: Season 19: Episode 9: Russell Hantz Hidden Immunity Idol Coup

When Russell Hantz first appeared on my Survivor screen, I thought him to be an arrogant, Texas blowhard, suffering from little man syndrome who would quickly get his comeuppance with a fast boot off the show.

I was wrong. I'm thinking that now, with the airing of Episode 8 of the 19th season of Survivor that Russell Hantz has cemented himself a spot in the Top Ten all time best on Survivor. Even if he gets kicked out next week.

Russell has altered the Survivor game. Few have managed that. From this point forward if Survivor continues with the Hidden Immunity Idol thing, everyone is going to be looking for it, clue or not.

It was surprise enough that Russell found the first Hidden Immunity Idol without a clue, but then to do it a second time and then use it to blindside the former Galu, whittling the Galu numbers down by one more. If this were scripted TV the plot would not be believable.

And now in the previews we see the Galu members chasing Russell around, afraid he'll find a third idol. I may have the numbers wrong, but I think it is now 6 Galu to 4 Foa Foa. But, Shambo has pretty much said she is with Foa Foa. That makes it even.

I'm thinking Russell is going to engineer some little coup and keep himself on the island. Or he will win Immunity. That would be entertaining.