Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hell's Kitchen: Too Much Smoking

There is too much smoking on Hell's Kitchen. And I'm not referring to Tuesday night's first episode where Hell's Kitchen was a BBQ joint for the first time.

Which is another thing, why are we getting back to back Hell's Kitchen episodes? That is way too much Hell's Kitchen in one sitting for me.

So, I've not watched the 2nd Tuesday episode.

Maria deservedly got sent home on the 1st episode of the night. At one point Ramsay remarked that Maria is really weird. Which seems to be true. But, I found her to be funny.

Scott is continuing his losing ways on the women's team. That boy seems very delusional. Last week he couldn't cook beef, this week it was chicken.

Leather-faced Fran did well on the 1st episode, but the girls (and Scott) lost. Ramsay had Fran pick 2 to go home. Fran picked Maria and Nilka, after Scott successfully manipulated Fran into not naming him.

But, Ramsay was not pleased. He called Scott down and sent Nilka back to safety. Maria tried to plead her case, but it didn't work. As she walked down the hall of shame all I could think was what an enormous rear Maria has.

Now, back to the smoking. What is it with the Hell's Kitchen chefs? All of them seem to smoke. A lot. On Top Chef I've seen some smoking, but not like this. So many of the Hell's Kitchen chefs appear to be unhealthy, overweight, out of shape. You add smoking to that and it's not a good thing.

And does not all that smoking ruin your ability to taste accurately the food you're cooking? I don't get it. Seems like a cigarette would be one of the last things a chef would want in his/her mouth.

I'll likely watch Tuesday night's second episode, tonight. And will likely be freshly appalled by all the smoking.