Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Project Runway Season 8 Starts July 29 with Heidi Klum & 90 Minute Episodes

That is one of my favorite Reality TV Show Hosts, Heidi Klum, sticking pins into the Project Runway cast.

The 8th season of Lifetime's Project Runway starts up Thursday, July 29 at an earlier time than previously, 9pm instead of 10pm.

And the show has been expanded to 90 minutes. This should allow for the showing of more diva drama among the designers.

I only got hooked on Project Runway a couple seasons ago. I've yet to figure out why I find it entertaining. But I do. Part of it I'm amazed at watching the designers come up with clothes so quickly. And how goofy so much of what they come up with is.

Project Runway will be in New York City again. I liked it when they were in Los Angeles. Why? I don't remember.