Sunday, May 23, 2010

LOST: The Final Episode of The Final Season

Saturday night ABC ran the first two episodes of LOST. The DVR recorded it, but I've not watched. I assume the episodes have been re-done with captions to point out various bits of information that were a mystery when first viewed.

Tonight is the End of LOST. It does not seem all that long ago since Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on a tropical island. But that happened on September 22, 2004. Who would have thought when LOST started that it would take viewers to places TV viewers have really not gone before, not courtesy of a single TV show.

LOST sparked debates about philosophy, science vs. faith, numerology, literature, history, love, hate and a whole slew of blogs and on-line discussions full of doctorate level analyzing.

LOST is promising that tonight will be a satisfying ending, with most questions answered and mysteries resolved. Tonight's LOST viewing starts at 7 Eastern Time, 6 Central. The first 2 hours will be a re-cap of the past 119 episodes, followed by the 2 and 1/2 hour finale, title "The End."

I really don't see how LOST can be wrapped up in 2 and 1/2 hours. There is an awful lot of explaining to do.